Sunday, January 13, 2013

"Keep calm and......" Facebook's newest Yawnable Moment.

Let me start off by saying I'm not calm about this subject....

So the new "thing" I guess is to preface any random thought/feeling with "keep calm and....." ???
God can't anyone come up with something better? I mean seriously....
"Keep calm and move to Colorado..."
"Keep calm and love pitbulls...."
"Keep calm and ride a Harley..."
(just a few off the top of my head from the past few weeks.)

I'm being serious is that supposed to MEAN?? That I can't move to Colorado unless I'm calm? Or that the only way to love pitbulls is to be calm? I can't ride a Honda and be calm?

This...thing. This...virtual place called FaceBook is seriously starting to erode what little faith I had left in the human race. It's done more to turn people into a herd of unthinking, unoriginal sheep/lemmings than any serruptitious drug any tyrannical government could have possibly dreamed of inventing. I go entire days...weeks...and probably even MONTHS, in some instances, seeing posts from many people that don't tell me a damn THING about what's actually going on in their lives, because it's nothing but a damn copy/paste/share from some site that they "think" is funny/insightful/whatever.

I joined Facebook to find out what my friends and family were doing. What was going on in their lives. And to share the same about me with them. Not to turn my life into an eternally-scrolling-by billboard full of trite and boring "isms." Don't get me wrong...these things are ok, using in sparing, infinitesimally small doses. They're boring as hell if you're posting more than 3 of them a day. It's just that no one wants to "hurt your feelings" by telling you so. Well guess what? I'm telling you so. Boring. As. Hell.

And if I've "offended" you because you've posted one or more of these "Keep calm and" things? Or because all you ever do is come on here and hit "share" on 30 different things in under ten minutes? GOOD. That was my intent. You're quickly going to find your way into my "delete" pile in 2013 if I'm going to delete you anyway, I might as well offend you on your way out my door.

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