Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Why are we so easily distracted by side shows?

Tweeted pictures of Weiner's Weiner: When there are untold numbers of women abused, tortured, enslaved and murdered around the world on a daily basis. We have the power to stop it, and we do next to nothing to do so.

Caylee Anthony: When there are untold numbers of children abused, tortured, murdered, starved (intentionally or through poverty), living on the streets. We have the resources to end *all* of it, and we do next to nothing.

Lindsay Lohan behaving like a 2 year old (and boy don't we let her have it for doing so?). When we are raising our own children to expect that everything will be handed to them and they will never be told "no" (not by our words of course...we preach a good game...but by our actions.)

I could go on and on, but hopefully you get the picture.

These circus side shows are mirror reflections of what our society is spiraling down into...and as such should be a wake-up call to much broader action

But instead...they're just distractions that keep us from having to deal with the reality.

We watch "reality" shows to avoid dealing with REALITY.

We obsess over the symptoms...while totally ignoring the causes AND the solutions.

Because "smh" is the EASY thing to do......


  1. When you're right, you're right.

  2. I don't watch Nancy Grace. But my hunch is she and others like her do not use such stories to introduce broader discussion of much more important issues.

    Yet another case where the "free market" sucks.
