Thursday, July 28, 2011

Series, Part 1: The Common Sense, No B.S. Way to Fix This Country

So, I've had some discussions in the recent past about politics, both about specific situations, and things in general. My conclusion is that while we all may have our disagreements on exactly what needs to be done ideologically to get this country back on the right path, we have FAR more common ground as citizens than you would think if you were just to watch the political shenanigans coming out of Washington D.C. ("District of Criminals," as one of my friends so aptly put it the other day...don't even recall who but I thought it was hilarious.)

During one of these conversations we were discussing how real change could be brought about in this country. I think I have some pretty solid ideas on how that can happen. The person I was conversing/debating with made the very apt point that "you're telling all this to someone who absolutely cannot do anything about it." So I'm taking up that challenge. I'm going to write a series of blogs on the steps I feel are necessary to get this country back to where it should be. I will tell you up front that most of these things have nothing to do with being Liberal or Conservative, Democrat or Republican, Christian or Atheist. These are all ideas and ideals that we can get behind as Citizens.

And so that I won't be just "...telling this to someone who absolutely cannot do anything about it," I intend to forward links to my blog to both houses of Congress, the White House, and the major media outlets as I complete them. Will it do any good? Perhaps not. But at least I'm making the effort at having my voice heard.

The "mainstream politicians" have usurped and sold out the ideal of a government "by the people, of the people, and for the people," and we are the only and I...Joe and Mary Citizen, who can get that back. I will not deceive you...I will tell you from the outset that it will not be easy. In fact, some of the things I will propose will seem insurmountable hurdles. But you know what? Go ask one of the Founding Fathers the definition of "insurmountable!"


  1. I would propose you take it further. Anyone that holds a public office should not be able to accept ANY monies from any source other than the pay they earn from their work as an elected official. This would curtail lobbyists as well. It would serve a dual purpose in that it would weed out the greedy and corrupt from running for office.

  2. Actually Joe, that's probably about part 3 or 4. LOL. My intent is to break it down so that each blog covers only 1 topic, even if that topic has 12 sub-topics.
