Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Ok. I will take you at your word that "birther" does not equal "rascist"

I don't know you from Adam or Eve, as the case may be, but I believe you. Just because you are a "Birther" does not mean you are "Racist".
Despite the fact that every "Birther" piece of evidence has been consistently and convincingly debunked, right up to and including the President of These United States being "forced" to "show his papers" for the first time in the history of this country. Despite the fact that within minutes of him producing it people were denouncing it as a forgery, moving on to demand his college transcripts while brushing aside the whole birth certificate thing with an "oh well gee I guess we were wrong on that one but what about THIS one?" In full face of the fact that the whole point of the "Birther Movement" is to de-legitimize the man as being "not one of us" and "not worthy of being President of our country" "take back our country" (from "them").

In full face of all of that, I will concede that just because you are a "Birther" does not make you a "Racist."

What it makes you is a sadly misinformed, incurably gullible dupe of a small cadre of racists who have spent millions of dollars and man-hours to perpetuate the myth of the "Birther Movement" in an effort to distract you from the fact that they are systematically raping this country of everything it has ever stood for.

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