Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Making the World Safe for Idiots

Yep...let's put "warning labels" on coke because some whack job drank 2 gallons of it a day and ended up dying at 31. (Let's ignore the fact that she also smoked a pack and a half a day, and, while not being judgemental about the fact...she had 8 kids. Having that many kids takes a toll on any woman's body, and then she added 2 addictions on top of that.)

Here's a better idea. Let's stop putting warning labels on anything. In this day and age...the "information age"...if you don't know something is bad/dangerous for you (i.e. using a hair dryer in the bathtub), then Darwin's law of "survival of the fittest" should just be allowed to kick in and wreak its havoc. I have said for many years that a large part of the problem with society today is that we've made it "safe for idiots". It's time for us to stop making the world safe for stupid people, and allowed for the natural "thinning of the herd".

We talk almost incessantly about the "dumbing down of society..." and yet in this instance we do everything imaginable to keep the dumb ones around. We have to create laws requiring people to wear seatbelts when every shred of research has shown that it saves lives...and yet people continue to drive without them, and even complain that the government is "in their business" and "over-stepping their bounds" by requiring them to do so. The same with helmet laws. You want to go against everything every intelligent person on the planet agrees is a safe course of action? Fine. Great. Awesome. Reap what you sow, "genius."

And let's face it...the ones that these "warnings" are aimed at are the stupid ones, remember? What makes you think:
a) that they're actually going to READ those warnings (and in many cases are even capable of reading)? Do you really think the 2-gallon a day coke drinker would have bothered reading a "warning" on her 20+ cans of coke per day?

b) they would have the sense to heed those warnings even if they did bother reading them? Literally millions of people get into vehicles all day every day and don't bother to put on their seatbelts, despite the fact that it's against the law to do so, and it has been proven over and over that wearing seatbelts saves lives.

So...let's get back to the way the world is supposed to work. Let Darwin do his handiwork. I guarantee you that within a generation the "average IQ" will jump a good 20 points. And that can only be good for society as a whole.